14 B2B marketing video ideas to enhance your next campaign

A set of three video files with play icons.
Source: Sosland Publishing


Video is an engaging way for ingredient and equipment manufacturers to extend their brand recognition and promote their products to potential buyers. Here are 14 B2B marketing video ideas to consider as part of your next marketing campaign.

1. Product teasers and promotions

A straightforward focus for a B2B marketing video is around your company’s products. A short teaser video can excite customers about a new product or promotion your company will unveil. This type of video demonstrates value to customers while enticing them to act soon. For example, Salesforce created a short teaser to highlight their Workplace Command Center feature. This 90-second video effectively demonstrates the value of their new product and entices their audience to learn more.

2. Product introductions

Product introduction videos are another great way to launch your company’s new products. Like a product teaser video, which is used to build anticipation, a product introduction video can be used to communicate the product’s value proposition while demonstrating its core features and enticing prospects and customers with a call to action (CTA). Clariant’s video introducing EquiScalp, an active ingredient to soothe sensitive scalps, is a great example of how a short video can effectively introduce a new product.

3. Product demonstrations and tutorials

Whereas product teaser and introduction videos tend to be short, product demonstration and tutorial videos go in-depth regarding applications most suitable for the product and how to use it for best performance.

These types of videos will generally be longer than others to carefully address any questions your target audience may have. For example, DSV Global Transport and Logistics made a step-by-step product demonstration video to show how to book transport cargo through their platform. Once your company has developed several product demonstrations or tutorials, creating playlists that string similar videos together is also quite effective in providing thorough instructions in bite-sized segments.

4. Customer testimonials

Marketing videos that are centered around people and their positive experiences with your products or company lend a lot of credibility to your brand. For example, Syngenta shared a testimonial from Tim Durham, Associate Professor of Crop Science at Ferrum College, where he endorsed their product paraquat to tackle weeds and thereby help reduce soil erosion, a common problem faced by farmers in America.

5. Expert interviews

Expert interviews provide an avenue to feature industry thought leaders while building your brand’s credibility. For example, AbbVie had an interview with experts in the field of Rheumatoid Arthritis about the reality of the disease, which positions AbbVie as a thought leader in this space.

6. Case studies

Case study videos offer dynamic opportunities to share benefit-driven narratives while elevating your marketing message, raising brand awareness, and ultimately generating leads. From describing the challenge to explaining the developed strategy and then to showing its implementation, these videos walk through the process endured to achieve success.

An example of this is the case study video from ABB on how they are helping the Faroe Islands transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030. In this video, ABB clearly explains the problem their customer faces with having a reliable energy grid when using various green energy sources and battery storage, as well as their approach to solve that problem with their synchronous condenser technology.

7. Company news

In addition to products and people, you can create company-centric videos to enhance brand recognition and public image. One idea is to make company news videos, such as when General Electric completed its separation of GE HealthCare. Videos like this provide an opportunity to explain your company’s recent changes and what is planned in the near term.

8. Recruitment

Recruitment videos provide a unique opportunity to reach tomorrow’s employees. One example is a video from Siemens encouraging people to apply to become a Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer in the AMEA region. They used this time to also discuss what it’s like to work at the company. Videos like this entice talented individuals to apply and can also make a good first impression on potential customers.

9. Brand and company culture

Brand and company culture videos are a great way to show the human side of your business to a wide audience. These types of videos have the potential to increase trust among your potential customers and strengthen their connection with your brand. One way to get started with this is by having your employees individually explain how their roles in your company demonstrate your company’s values, like how Lonza’s employees did in their “Our Values at Lonza” video.

10. Live broadcasts

Events also provide great opportunities for marketing videos. When your company hosts a live event—such as a product introduction, company news, or expert interviews—we recommend broadcasting a live video so people can watch it from anywhere in the world. As a bonus, the video feed can be saved and uploaded later to your website or social media, like how the Bobcat Company streamed their Machine IQ question and answer live event from their YouTube channel, where it is still available to watch.

11. Event teasers

To draw interest for a specific event you are hosting, event teaser videos serve as a solid marking tactic for promoting attendance. The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals’ event teaser for their EDGE supply chain conference is a short video that effectively demonstrates the value of attending their live event and shows what participating will look like for their attendees.

12. Event recaps

After an event has ended, take the opportunity to make a recap video to summarize the highlights. This can generate fear of missing out on the next event, which can ultimately increase attendance at future events. For example, Doosan Robotics made an event recap video featuring highlights from the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank.

13. Webinars

Companies can also host and record events in the form of an on-demand webinar. For example, Cushman & Wakefield presented a webinar on reimagining where and how people will work in the future. This type of webinar experience allows those who could not participate in the scheduled event an opportunity to watch it on their own time. This form of thought leadership is extremely beneficial to customers who tune in to your company for answers to some of their toughest challenges.

14. Blog summaries

Creating videos from your company’s existing blog content can be a relatively light lift for your marketing department and is a great way to increase engagement with your audience. HubSpot has a great how-to video that demonstrates how one can use their existing blog content as the basis of a script for a great blog post summary video.

No matter what your next video idea is, Sosland Publishing is here to help. Speak with a Sosland Publishing media expert today to get started on integrating video into your company’s next marketing campaign.