The do’s and don’ts of creating videos for your products

An open box with a video play button on it.
Source: Sosland Publishing


Equipment and ingredient companies are increasingly using video to introduce new products to prospective buyers. This medium provides a powerful snapshot of an item’s capabilities and allows viewers to see a product in action.

However, simply creating a video doesn’t guarantee that you’ll make a lasting impression with decision makers. There are some fundamental do’s and don’ts that must be followed if you want to captivate your target audience. 

DO: Partner with the pros

While it may be tempting to go the DIY route, avoid this approach when possible. Teaming up with freelancers or a production company will help ensure your video looks polished and professional, which lends more credibility to your brand. Additionally, by working with experts, you can focus on developing compelling messaging rather than learning the ins and outs of video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro.

Before you partner with freelancers or a production company, be sure and ask them the following questions to see if they are a good fit for your brand:

  1. What type of videos do you specialize in?
  2. What B2B companies have you worked with in the past?
  3. Do you have a reel or examples of work you’ve done with manufacturers?
  4. How do you prefer to collaborate with your clients?
  5. Can you work within my budget and timeline?
  6. How much guidance will I receive on this project?

DON’T: Bore your audience

As more brands leverage video marketing, standing out from your competitors becomes more important than ever. Instead of simply showcasing the machinery alongside background music, engage your audience with a compelling narrative or use your brand’s in-house technical experts to connect with viewers and bring a human element to the screen.

DO: Address pain points

If a prospect is watching your video, they want to know what problems your machinery or ingredients can help them solve. Avoid simply listing features and connect the dots for them by providing meaningful information that calls back to their everyday work.

DON’T: Deliver every detail

While addressing pain points is critical, you don’t need to answer every question a viewer may have. Buyers typically watch a supplier or manufacturer’s videos to get a quick break down of the product and to see it in action. For detailed information, they’ll turn to your website or sell sheet. Stick to addressing one or two major challenges to ensure your video is easy to digest and keeps the viewer’s attention.  

DO: Include a CTA

Give prospects an action to take at the end of your video by including a call-to-action (CTA). Whether you want them to book a meeting with your sales team or visit the products page of your website, your message should be concise, relate to the product, and be easy to act on.

DON’T: Assume audio will be played

Adding captions to your video is critical for engaging viewers, increasing accessibility, and boosting SEO efforts as more viewers opt to watch video without sound.

Captioning your brand’s videos creates an inclusive experience and increases the likelihood of your video not only being watched but watched longer. According to a recent study by Facebook, captioned video ads increase video view time by 12%. Uploading captions also improves your video’s ranking on websites like Google and YouTube by providing search engines information beyond what’s in the content’s title and description.

As video content and consumption habits continue to evolve, it’s crucial to keep up with the medium’s best practices. Connect with a Sosland Publishing media expert for the latest tips and resources to ensure your video reaches the right audience.