FAQ: How can audience extension amplify brand reach?

Website user enacting Audience Extension.


While there are many routes business-to-business (B2B) marketers can take to reach prospects, audience extension should always be part of their journey to convert. With the ability to connect with users and display campaigns across a variety of different social media channels and websites, audience extension is quickly becoming an key tactic for marketers in the food and beverage industry.

To help you navigate the basic ins and outs of audience extension, we’ve put together a quick explainer outlining how it works and its benefits.  

What is audience extension?

Audience extension is a dynamic marketing tactic that gives brands unique access to a publisher’s first-party data. The process allows a company to broaden a marketing campaign’s reach across websites and social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and websites in Google’s Display Network, while targeting specific audiences that were created from a publisher’s first-party data.  

How does audience extension work?

Similar to sending a targeted email, a company must first partner with a publisher to develop an audience to target. The company can then select specific audience attributes to designate where they would like to host their campaign to ensure key prospects are reached.    

With this information, a publisher then creates a unique audience from its first-party data and uploads the brand’s campaign assets. Once launched, the publisher monitors the campaign and makes adjustments as needed to ensure impressions are being captured and viewed by the target audience.

What are the key benefits of audience extension?

Audience extension puts a company’s message in front of the right people, at the right place, at the right time. By tapping into this tactic, marketers will:

  • Gain access to decision makers in hard-to-reach industries.
  • Maximize their brand’s impact by showcasing their message across channels their audiences interact with every day.
  • Connect with key prospects and remain top of mind.
  • Ensure ads are efficiently delivered and monitored, resulting in controlled and qualified reach.

When should audience extension be used?

Because this process increases touchpoints with a variety of prospects, audience extension is best implemented when a company is launching a new product or looking to boost brand awareness. In addition, this approach should be used to compliment other tactics in a campaign and not solely relied upon to drive results.

If you’re ready to connect with audiences across the food industry but you’re not sure where to start, a Sosland Publishing media expert can help you get on the right path.