Seven tips for writing an effective native article

Native Article Tips
Source: Sosland Publishing


While many B2B marketers in the food and beverage industry rely on content like blog posts, white papers and infographics to build credibility and promote their offerings, waiting on results from these endeavors can be frustrating. To speed up this process and reach an even wider audience, brands are partnering with trade media outlets to release native articles.

A form of native advertising, a native article is educational content that is written by a brand and then hosted on a publication’s website alongside editorial stories. The article’s headline, copy and images reflect the tone, look and feel of other pieces produced by the publication to ensure a seamless reader experience. 

By leaning into some key tips and best practices, you can produce compelling native articles that not only quickly reach your target audience but also boost your brand’s authority and drive awareness for your products and services. 

1. Take a strategic approach

Kick off the content development process by reflecting on how your native article fits into your overall campaign strategy. Think about how the piece can complement other tactics while reinforcing your overall goal. Next, determine the article’s topic and objective to ensure the content and call-to-action (CTA) remain consistent with the campaign’s strategy.

2. Map out your content

After researching your topic and audience, determine the article’s storytelling format and generate an outline to guide your writing process. If you’re not sure where to start, follow an inverted pyramid structure to guarantee that your story is concise and easy to digest. In addition, don’t shy away from other engaging frameworks such as listicles, Q&As, checklists, how-to guides and FAQs.

3. Aim to inform readers

Your article should reflect the tone and style of the publication you are partnering with, and, most importantly, deliver value to readers. Informative or educational content positions your brand as a trusted resource and performs far better than a sales pitch.

For example, an equipment supplier looking to promote its artisan baking line could write about processing tips for Old World breads or discuss the ins and outs of scaling production. By sticking to these topics and avoiding self-promotion, the supplier boosts their industry authority and increases opportunities for engagement.  

4. Highlight your sources

Underscore your credibility by interviewing experts, citing sources and including timely data throughout your copy. Internally link to other stories on the publication’s website and externally link to research when possible to substantiate claims.   

5. Create eye-catching headlines

As readers scan websites, newsletters or social media, a range of news, ads and posts compete for their attention. This makes a powerful headline essential to getting eyes on your article. Take the time to thoughtfully craft your title while keeping the following best practices in mind: 

  • Use strong language that clearly illustrates what will be covered in the article.
  • Optimize headlines for search engines by keeping the copy under 65 characters and including relevant keywords at the beginning of the headline.
  • Spark curiosity by appealing to an industry challenge or asking a timely question.
  • Add numbers to titles if you are creating a list or presenting notable data.
  • Steer clear of clickbait and always deliver on the headline’s promise.
6. Select striking imagery

Much like a headline, an image is one of the first pieces of information a person uses to determine if they should read an article. Pictures should support your narrative and bring the story to life. If images are pixelated or lack purpose, you may lose out on pageviews.  

7. Keep the journey going

At your article’s conclusion, tie together the piece’s main points and provide readers with a clear directive that is consistent with your content’s tone. Include a CTA, keywords and follow-up content or information to create an effective message. For example, an article by ABC Company covering plant-based snack trends could include one of the following messages: 

  • Learn more about the future of plant-based snacks by reading ABC Company’s latest trend report.   
  • Sign up for ABC Company’s webinar on plant-based proteins to learn how you can give your snacks a nutritional boost.
  • Visit to set up an appointment with our R&D experts and access technical resources on formulating plant-based snacks.

Developing content that connects with your target audience can be challenging at times. But with thorough research and creative storytelling, your brand can become a trusted resource that food industry professionals turn to for their next need.

Want to learn more about making a lasting impression with native articles? Contact a Sosland Publishing media expert today and discover a new way to engage with our readers.