How to turn one webinar into six pieces of marketing content

Webinar content shown three different ways
Source: Sosland Publishing


Webinars are an effective way to educate equipment and ingredient buyers and generate leads. But a webinar’s impact shouldn’t stop when the event ends. You can get more mileage out of your efforts by transforming your webinar content into new marketing materials.

There are many approaches to repurposing webinar content, so we’ve rounded up a list of ideas to get you on the right track.

1. Create Blog Posts

One of the easiest ways to repurpose a webinar is to convert conversations from the event into blog posts. You can take key talking points from your webinar and turn them into either an individual blog post or a series of posts that cover various aspects of the webinar’s topic. Be sure to include any applicable images, charts or infographics to make your article more engaging.

2. Recycle Charts and Stats

If your webinar includes informative charts or compelling statistics, reshare them on your brand’s social media channels. Before posting, make sure the images are sized for each platform and include your company’s branding. Add context to the graphic by including information from the speaker in the post’s message.

3. Publish a Native Article

To maximize the reach of your webinar content, consider repurposing it as a native article. You can offer an overview of the webinar’s key points and encourage readers to dive deeper into the topic by registering for the actual webinar.

Depending on the content, the article can serve as a thought leadership piece, particularly if it incorporates industry data and trends. Alternatively, it could function as a practical how-to guide if the event addressed specific problem-solving techniques.

4. Generate a White Paper

If your webinar covers data on a trending topic in the food industry or provides technical information on ingredients or equipment, consider repurposing it into a white paper. Expand on the information provided in the webinar and include additional insights from the webinar’s speaker to ensure research is correctly presented. Keep in mind that more detail is often required when detailing ingredient applications or equipment functions. 

5. Source Captivating Quotes

Did a speaker share an enlightening insight or thought-provoking research? Transform those quotes or statistics into branded images you can share on social media. Stick to quotes that are digestible, attention-grabbing or conversation starters. These remarks will stand out to users who are scrolling their social media feeds. To foster more engagement, tag the source of the quote when you share your image.

6. Share Video Clips

Pull short clips from a webinar and add them to your company’s website, YouTube channel and other social media pages. Breaking down presentations and conversations into smaller, more digestible pieces makes it easier for viewers to understand and retain information. Don’t forget to add captions to the videos to increase views and accessibility.

Webinars don’t have to be a one-and-done marketing tactic. Connect with a Sosland Publishing media expert to learn how you can get additional ROI from your recorded content.