Why it is essential to run lead-generating tactics alongside brand awareness campaigns

Basket of marketing strategies, including smartphone, email and ROS ads.

Why it is essential to run lead-generating tactics alongside brand awareness campaigns

Basket of marketing strategies, including smartphone, email and ROS ads.
Source: Sosland Publishing


When planning a marketing strategy, businesses are often faced with choosing between lead generation or building brand awareness. Both approaches are essential for long-term success. Striking a balance between the two allows you to maximize your impact and build both short-term results and long-term growth.

How lead gen and brand awareness tactics compare

The goal of lead-generating campaigns is to attract a pool of prospects who are likely interested in your product or service and who can be nurtured through the sales funnel. These marketing strategies focus on capturing potential customers’ information to engage them directly.

Examples of tactics that help to collect contact details, which can then be passed on to sales, include offering free newsletter subscriptions, providing downloadable content such as e-zines and white papers, or using targeted email marketing and hosting webinars. These methods often require users to submit their contact information, making it easier for sales teams to follow up.

Brand awareness strategies, by contrast, focus on getting your company’s name and message out into the world. These campaigns are designed to build trust and familiarity with your brand, so that when someone needs a service or product you offer, your business is top of mind.

Examples of these tactics include increasing your social media presence, running print and run-of-site (ROS) advertising, and sponsoring online content to boost visibility and recognition.

Why both are essential together

It’s important to run lead-generating tactics in tandem with brand awareness campaigns because they enhance each other’s effectiveness.

Lead generation strengthens your brand awareness efforts by giving them a tangible outcome—your increased visibility translates into actionable prospects. New prospects are more likely to trust a brand that they’ve seen consistently over time, making them more inclined to engage with your lead generation content when they encounter it.

Brand awareness campaigns benefit from lead-generation tactics as well. Focusing solely on brand awareness without a way to capture leads can make it difficult to grow your business, so pairing these strategies helps balance your company’s sales funnel.

Building brand awareness draws people to the top of the sales funnel, while lead-generating tactics guide them toward becoming customers. Together, these approaches create a seamless customer journey from first encounter to conversion.

Thought leadership: Bridging brand awareness and lead generation

Thought leadership is a particularly effective way to leverage both brand awareness and lead-generation strategies. By providing expert knowledge and guidance on a topic, you position your brand as an authority in your industry. How you share that expertise can directly contribute to generating high-quality leads.

Content like in-depth advertorials, native articles, and e-zines not only boost brand credibility but they also create ample opportunities for lead generation. By showcasing your company’s expertise in these formats, you can become a go-to resource in your industry, increasing the likelihood that leads will convert into long-term customers.

In B2B marketing, lead generation and brand awareness are two sides of the same coin. A successful marketing strategy requires both, ensuring a steady flow of prospects while building trust in your brand—ultimately positioning your company for long-term growth. Speak with a Sosland Publishing media expert today to maximize the impact of your next campaign.

Advertorials 101: Crafting engaging content for food industry audiences

Advertorial Best Practices

Advertorials 101: Crafting engaging content for food industry audiences

Advertorial Best Practices
Source: Sosland Publishing


An advertorial is a powerful marketing tool that blends the informative nature of editorial content with the persuasive power of advertising. While both advertorials and traditional advertisements aim to promote a brand, the key distinction lies in their approach and execution.

Traditional advertisements rely on overt sales pitches and bold claims, often interrupting the reader’s experience. In contrast, advertorials seamlessly integrate your marketing message into informative and editorial-style content, creating a more natural and engaging experience for the reader.

As a B2B marketer in the food industry, understanding this balance can be a gamechanger for your promotional strategy. To ensure your content will resonate with customers and prospects, be sure and follow these four best practices when developing your advertorial.

Choose the right format

The format of your advertorial should be tailored to your specific goals, target audience and the publication where it will be featured. Consider the preferences and expectations of readers when determining how you will present your content.

Common formats include:

    • Longform articles or features
    • Q&As
    • Product spotlights
    • Case studies
    • Infographics

Write a compelling headline and introduction

The headline and introduction of your advertorial are critical in capturing the reader’s attention and drawing them into your content.

Craft headlines that are informative, intriguing and relevant to your customers. Your headline should grab their attention and naturally invite them to continue reading.

Using a conversational and engaging tone in your introduction will help set the stage for the rest of the advertorial. Avoid using an overly promotional or sales-driven language as this approach tends to turn readers off.

Tell a story

Effective advertorials leverage the power of storytelling to create an emotional and memorable connection with prospects.

Weave a narrative that highlights the unique benefits, features or use cases of your product or service. You can also try incorporating personal anecdotes, customer testimonials or industry insights to bring your message to life.

Leverage visuals

Graphics play a crucial role in making your advertorial visually appealing and engaging. Incorporate high-quality images and infographics to complement your written content and enhance the advertorial’s message.

Getting started

Advertorials are a powerful marketing tool that can help you engage your target audience and build brand awareness.

If you’re ready to learn more about making a lasting impression with advertorials, contact a Sosland Publishing media expert today and discover a new way to engage with the food industry.

Six native article ideas to boost audience engagement 

Native Article

Six native article ideas to boost audience engagement

Native Article
Source: Sosland Publishing


In the ever-evolving landscape of content marketing, native articles have emerged as a true game changer, providing an organic way to place your brand’s message alongside a publication’s editorial content.

By focusing on topics that are relevant and valuable to food industry professionals, you can create articles that educate, inform and position your brand as a trusted resource 

However, the key to developing a successful native article is to shift your mindset from traditional advertising to a more editorial-driven approach. Instead of simply promoting your products or services, you need to think like a journalist and create content that your audience genuinely wants to read.

There are several storytelling angles you can explore to engage your audience:

1. Q&As

Featuring interviews with industry experts, thought leaders or your own team members can offer unique insights and perspectives that resonate with your audience.

For example, in Automotive News’ native article “How to leverage data-driven analytics to drive dealership sales,” Urban Science speaks with an expert from its team and uses a Q&A format to explore the growing role of data. By speaking with an internal team member, the organization demonstrates its knowledge of a complex topic in a way that is easy to digest.

2. Trend reports

Analyzing and forecasting emerging trends, developments or shifts within a specific market via a trend report provides valuable insights into the direction of the industry. There are a variety of trends you can cover in the equipment or ingredient space but try and keep your content focused on compelling industry shifts and opportunities.

3. Guides

Providing step-by-step guides or tutorials on industry-relevant challenges or topics demonstrates your expertise and showcases your products or services in a practical, educational way.

For example, in the Construction Executive guide “Contractors’ Guide to Managing Cash Flow in 2022,” Grassi’s construction advisors outline how companies can budget for the year ahead while also examining common mistakes businesses make while planning.

4. Listicles

Organizing your content into easily digestible lists can make complex topics more accessible and engaging for your readers.

In the Industry Week native article, “4 Fundamentals of Effective Supply Chain Management,” the National Institute of Standards and Technology breaks down four key areas small manufacturers can focus on to develop structured processes, measurements and accountability for a robust supply chain.

In addition to being easy to read, listicles are an engaging storytelling format that are highly shareable, making it more likely for your content to reach a wider audience.

5. FAQs

Addressing common questions and pain points faced by your target audience can position your brand as a helpful and knowledgeable resource.

There are endless possibilities for writing an article in this format, but to ensure reader engagement, focus on topics that are relevant and address actual concerns. In addition, provide clear and concise responses to each question by providing valuable insights, actionable advice and practical solutions.

6. Explainers

Digging deeper into industry trends, technologies or best practices can help your audience better understand the challenges and opportunities in your field.

For example, in the Buildings native article “How 3D Renderings Can Reveal a Venue’s Hidden Potential,” Sightline Commercial Solutions explores some of the overlooked benefits that 3D rendering can bring to architectural design. In addition to explaining what this tech is capable of, the company also provides real-life examples to support their claims. This builds trust with readers and positions the brand as a reliable resource.

When it comes to native articles, the key is to experiment with different storytelling formats and find the ones that resonate best with your target audience. By providing valuable, informative and engaging content, you will effectively position your brand as a trusted partner and build stronger relationships with customers and prospects. 

Want to learn more about making a lasting impression with native articles? Contact a Sosland Publishing media expert today and discover a new way to engage with the food industry.

How to turn your B2B video into five pieces of marketing content

A person picking video play buttons from a tree

How to turn your B2B video into five pieces of marketing content

A person picking video play buttons from a tree
Source: Sosland Publishing


Video has become a vital and effective part of B2B marketing strategies, but focusing solely on long-form video content misses the opportunity to reach a wider audience. Fortunately, there is untapped potential in your existing video library that you can use to create new marketing materials that will help you build brand awareness and generate high-quality leads.

There are many ways you can repurpose your existing video content, so we’ve created a list of some ideas to get you started.

1. Create social media video clips

One of the most effective ways to craft new marketing materials is to create short videos that you can use on social media. Break an existing long-form video into bite-sized clips that highlight key moments, insights and tips.

Be sure to tailor your content for each platform, like creating vertical format video to be posted to your company’s social media stories. Adding captions and stickers are effective ways to increase engagement, which can increase visibility of your posts and in turn increase your brand awareness.

2. Develop supporting infographics

You can also try leveraging the content in your video library by creating engaging infographics and slide decks. Try condensing key findings, especially data and visual elements, into informative and visually appealing graphics that are shareable across various platforms. These digestible snippets make it easier for audiences to understand and remember your message.

3. Create new blog content

One great way to repurpose your videos is to develop new written content from them. Transcribing the audio into a blog not only increases accessibility, but it also improves your website’s search engine optimization and allows your audience to receive your message in their preferred format.

Depending on what the video is about, you may also be able to demonstrate thought leadership by crafting that content into a native article, a white paper or a how-to guide with written instructions based on video tutorials.

4. Turn your videos into podcast episodes

Another effective way to repurpose your existing video content is to tap into the growing popularity of podcasts. Try extracting the audio content of your existing video library to produce multiple episodes that you can post over time.

Developing a podcast from content you already have also gives you the opportunity to add commentary and insights that audiences would appreciate in this new format. If planned carefully, creating a podcast for your brand can appeal to a wider audience and can be a relatively light lift.

5. Use your repurposed content in email drip campaigns

There is also an opportunity to integrate your repurposed video content within an email drip campaign. Try tailoring your marketing materials to the recipient based on their interests and the stage they have reached in their buyer’s journey.

By carefully selecting video clips, links to your blog articles or other thought leadership, podcasts episodes and engaging infographics in your email campaign, you can more effectively introduce your company, showcase your product’s features and address your audience’s pain points. This can be a highly effective way to nurture your leads and convert them into customers.

In the competitive B2B landscape of the food and beverage industry, repurposing your existing video content can be a cost-effective and efficient way to maximize your impact. Speak with a Sosland Publishing media expert today to embark on a dynamic journey to get the most ROI from your recorded content.  

Five ways to hone your webinar promotion strategy

A person using a megaphone extending out of a computer screen

Five ways to hone your webinar promotion strategy

A person using a megaphone extending out of a computer screen
Source: Sosland Publishing


In the food and beverage industry, B2B webinars have become a powerful tool for businesses to educate, engage and connect with stakeholders. By following these five practical tips you will hone your company’s webinar promotion strategy, allowing you to reach a wider audience and drive greater participation.

1. Create compelling messaging

To capture the attention of potential webinar attendees, your messaging must be concise and compelling. Clearly communicate the value of participating in the webinar by focusing on how it will address the specific needs and challenges of food and beverage industry customers. Be sure to include a clear call to action (CTA) to drive registrations.

2. Target your audience

Understanding your audience is fundamental to effectively promoting your company’s webinar. Consider demographics, company role within the industry, company size, pain points, and preferred communication channels to group your audience into targeted segments. Tailor your messaging with information and offers that will be valuable to each targeted audience. By speaking directly to their concerns, you’ll increase engagement and conversion rates.

3. Promote across multiple channels

To maximize your reach, use a multi-channel promotion strategy for your webinar. Try diversifying your promotional efforts by utilizing website promotion, targeted email marketing, social media posts, partnerships and paid advertising. Consider creating an event landing page on your company’s website that is optimized for SEO, has compelling visuals and persuasive copy that communicates the benefits of attending the webinar.

Keep your messaging consistent across these channels to reinforce your webinar’s value proposition. Be sure to also optimize your marketing materials for mobile—with increasing numbers of people using mobile devices, developing a mobile-first webinar experience and promotional strategy will increase user access and engagement. 

4. Time your messages well

Timing plays a crucial role in the success of your webinar promotions. Strategically schedule your promotional efforts well in advance and in alignment with peak online activity periods and industry events.

Avoid promoting too early or too often to prevent audience fatigue. Consider the preferences and schedules of your target audience to reach them when they will likely be most receptive to your messaging. By timing your promotions effectively, you’ll maximize your visibility and build anticipation for your webinar.

5. Utilize analytics and feedback

Using data-driven insights is a powerful way to refine your webinar promotion strategy. Track registration rates and engagement levels both in messaging leading up to the event and during the webinar itself by requesting feedback from attendees.

You should also assess key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and audience demographics. With data and audience feedback, you will be able to optimize your messaging and allocate sufficient resources to future webinar promotions. Don’t forget to also send “thank you” messages after the event. 

In the competitive B2B landscape of the food and beverage industry, effective webinar promotion is essential for driving engagement and fostering meaningful connections. Speak with a Sosland Publishing media expert today to embark on a dynamic journey to hone your company’s webinar promotions strategy.

The importance of validating campaign analytics and reach 

validating campaign analytics

The importance of validating campaign analytics and reach

validating campaign analytics
Source: Sosland Publishing


Analytics play a crucial role in evaluating the success of advertising campaigns. Yet, verifying the accuracy of these metrics can pose a significant challenge. To avoid receiving a distorted view of a campaign’s performance, ingredient and equipment suppliers in the food and beverage industry need a way to verify the accuracy of these metrics.  

Asking the right questions before and after you receive your campaign’s performance data is critical. Below we’ve rounded up some questions you can ask B2B media companies to validate campaign results and ensure the data you receive is accurate. 

What is the data source, and can you provide details about the methodology used for tracking and measuring ad performance?

Understanding the source of a campaign’s results is crucial to verifying its legitimacy. Ask B2B media companies where they obtain their data from and whether it is collected directly from their own platforms or through third-party providers. A trustworthy company should have rigorous data collection methods and be transparent about the sources they rely on for their analytics. 

It’s also important to understand the methodology used for measuring ad performance. Ask about the metrics they track and how they calculate them. Inquire about the tools and technologies they use to track impressions, clicks, conversions, and other key performance indicators. This will give you insights into their data collection processes and help you evaluate the reliability of their analytics.  

Do you use third-party verification services or tools to validate the accuracy of your analytics?

A reputable media company should be willing to provide access to raw data or offer third-party verification of their analytics. Ask if you can access the data behind the reported metrics to validate their accuracy. Alternatively, see if they are open to third-party audits or verification from independent measurement firms such as the Alliance for Audited Media. This will add an extra layer of credibility to analytics and alleviate any concerns about inflated audience reach.               

How do you prevent and detect click fraud to ensure that click-through rates are not artificially inflated?

When addressing concerns about inflated metrics, it’s crucial to understand how a trade media outlet prevents and detects click fraud. Click fraud happens when a click bot clicks on an ad, website link or in an email. This makes end users believe that someone is authentically engaging with their business, even though it’s not true.

Inquire about their use of advanced fraud detection tools and ask about their methods for monitoring unusual user engagement. For example, Sosland Publishing’s email service provider Omeda automatically identifies and removes suspicious clicks from all email and newsletter reporting. Omeda also offers information on where fake clicks are coming from, so our brands can block the sending address and provide accurate reporting. 

How often do you clean your audience list?

To ensure your campaign is reaching the right audience, ask your B2B media partner about how frequently they clean and update their audience lists. 

Regular maintenance of these lists ensures that reader data remains accurate and up to date and demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing high-quality audience data. In addition, a clean list helps you reach engaged audiences, leading to improved campaign performance and stronger connections with leads. 

Can you provide references from other clients who have used your advertising services?

Client testimonials can provide valuable insights into the performance of ad campaigns run by media companies. Ask for references to help you measure the media company’s track record and determine if their analytics align with your expectations.    

It’s essential to ask the right questions to B2B media companies to ensure that the campaign results you receive are legitimate and help you achieve your marketing goals. Reach out to a Sosland Publishing media expert to learn how we can connect you to an engaged community of readers from across the food industry.    

Eight ways to enhance your trade show presence

How to enhance your trade show presence, Trade show booth with many visitors

Eight ways to enhance your trade show presence

How to enhance your trade show presence, Trade show booth with many visitors
Source: Sosland Publishing


Promoting your presence at a trade show is crucial when there are countless equipment and ingredient companies in attendance. By employing a multifaceted print and digital marketing strategy, you can ensure your brand stands out from the crowd. Here are eight B2B marketing tactics you can use to draw interest to your trade show booth.

1. Social Media Posts

A well-crafted social media strategy can facilitate meaningful interactions with your booth visitors. Leading up to your next trade show, consistently share engaging content related to your brand and participation at the event. Utilize hashtags specific to the trade show to get your posts noticed and include informative content to drive traffic to your booth.

2. Sponsored Content

To increase the visibility of your brand leading up to the trade show, consider partnering with industry publications to create sponsored content. Crafting valuable, informative content for your target audience generates excitement for your brand and establishes credibility, both of which can attract attendees to your booth.

3. Digital Press Kit

You will also want to leverage media coverage during and after the event, so it is worth developing a digital press kit. Create a guide that showcases your brand’s story, notes the key products and services your company offers, and includes any relevant press releases. Be sure that this digital press kit uses high-quality visuals, then distribute this kit to media contacts, influencers and interested attendees.

4. Booth Invite Video

You can excite your potential booth visitors by creating a captivating and informative video specifically inviting them to visit. In this booth invite video, you can highlight product demos visitors can expect to see, mention exclusive offers they may find and any other exciting news that increases the likelihood of drawing a crowd.

5. Speaking Opportunities

To build brand awareness leading up to a trade show, consider having your company’s industry experts engage in strategic speaking opportunities. For example, try securing speaking slots or panel discussions at the trade show. In addition to attracting a new audience to your booth, you will also be enhancing your brand’s credibility and name recognition in the industry.

6. Print and ROS Ads

You should also consider running print advertisements in industry publications and using run-of-site (ROS) ads that are strategically placed across relevant online platforms. Try highlighting your participation at your next trade show by encouraging potential visitors to “save the date” and to find you at your booth location during the event.

7. Targeted Email Marketing

A well-strategized targeted email campaign can increase booth traffic and interactions at your next trade show. These campaigns should emphasize your presence at the trade show and offer compelling reasons for recipients to visit your booth.

8. Post-show Follow-up Activities

Effective post-show follow-up is essential for sustaining engagement and converting leads into customers. After the event, promptly check in with leads and connections made during the show by sending personalized thank-you emails and connecting via social media.

Mastering these strategies will enhance your trade show presence and help create conversion opportunities after the event has concluded. Speak with a Sosland Publishing media expert today to embark on a dynamic journey to elevate your next trade show marketing strategy.

How to turn one webinar into six pieces of marketing content

Webinar content shown three different ways

How to turn one webinar into six pieces of marketing content

Webinar content shown three different ways
Source: Sosland Publishing


Webinars are an effective way to educate equipment and ingredient buyers and generate leads. But a webinar’s impact shouldn’t stop when the event ends. You can get more mileage out of your efforts by transforming your webinar content into new marketing materials.

There are many approaches to repurposing webinar content, so we’ve rounded up a list of ideas to get you on the right track.

1. Create Blog Posts

One of the easiest ways to repurpose a webinar is to convert conversations from the event into blog posts. You can take key talking points from your webinar and turn them into either an individual blog post or a series of posts that cover various aspects of the webinar’s topic. Be sure to include any applicable images, charts or infographics to make your article more engaging.

2. Recycle Charts and Stats

If your webinar includes informative charts or compelling statistics, reshare them on your brand’s social media channels. Before posting, make sure the images are sized for each platform and include your company’s branding. Add context to the graphic by including information from the speaker in the post’s message.

3. Publish a Native Article

To maximize the reach of your webinar content, consider repurposing it as a native article. You can offer an overview of the webinar’s key points and encourage readers to dive deeper into the topic by registering for the actual webinar.

Depending on the content, the article can serve as a thought leadership piece, particularly if it incorporates industry data and trends. Alternatively, it could function as a practical how-to guide if the event addressed specific problem-solving techniques.

4. Generate a White Paper

If your webinar covers data on a trending topic in the food industry or provides technical information on ingredients or equipment, consider repurposing it into a white paper. Expand on the information provided in the webinar and include additional insights from the webinar’s speaker to ensure research is correctly presented. Keep in mind that more detail is often required when detailing ingredient applications or equipment functions. 

5. Source Captivating Quotes

Did a speaker share an enlightening insight or thought-provoking research? Transform those quotes or statistics into branded images you can share on social media. Stick to quotes that are digestible, attention-grabbing or conversation starters. These remarks will stand out to users who are scrolling their social media feeds. To foster more engagement, tag the source of the quote when you share your image.

6. Share Video Clips

Pull short clips from a webinar and add them to your company’s website, YouTube channel and other social media pages. Breaking down presentations and conversations into smaller, more digestible pieces makes it easier for viewers to understand and retain information. Don’t forget to add captions to the videos to increase views and accessibility.

Webinars don’t have to be a one-and-done marketing tactic. Connect with a Sosland Publishing media expert to learn how you can get additional ROI from your recorded content.

14 B2B marketing video ideas to enhance your next campaign

A set of three video files with play icons.

14 B2B marketing video ideas to enhance your next campaign

A set of three video files with play icons.
Source: Sosland Publishing


Video is an engaging way for ingredient and equipment manufacturers to extend their brand recognition and promote their products to potential buyers. Here are 14 B2B marketing video ideas to consider as part of your next marketing campaign.

1. Product teasers and promotions

A straightforward focus for a B2B marketing video is around your company’s products. A short teaser video can excite customers about a new product or promotion your company will unveil. This type of video demonstrates value to customers while enticing them to act soon. For example, Salesforce created a short teaser to highlight their Workplace Command Center feature. This 90-second video effectively demonstrates the value of their new product and entices their audience to learn more.

2. Product introductions

Product introduction videos are another great way to launch your company’s new products. Like a product teaser video, which is used to build anticipation, a product introduction video can be used to communicate the product’s value proposition while demonstrating its core features and enticing prospects and customers with a call to action (CTA). Clariant’s video introducing EquiScalp, an active ingredient to soothe sensitive scalps, is a great example of how a short video can effectively introduce a new product.

3. Product demonstrations and tutorials

Whereas product teaser and introduction videos tend to be short, product demonstration and tutorial videos go in-depth regarding applications most suitable for the product and how to use it for best performance.

These types of videos will generally be longer than others to carefully address any questions your target audience may have. For example, DSV Global Transport and Logistics made a step-by-step product demonstration video to show how to book transport cargo through their platform. Once your company has developed several product demonstrations or tutorials, creating playlists that string similar videos together is also quite effective in providing thorough instructions in bite-sized segments.

4. Customer testimonials

Marketing videos that are centered around people and their positive experiences with your products or company lend a lot of credibility to your brand. For example, Syngenta shared a testimonial from Tim Durham, Associate Professor of Crop Science at Ferrum College, where he endorsed their product paraquat to tackle weeds and thereby help reduce soil erosion, a common problem faced by farmers in America.

5. Expert interviews

Expert interviews provide an avenue to feature industry thought leaders while building your brand’s credibility. For example, AbbVie had an interview with experts in the field of Rheumatoid Arthritis about the reality of the disease, which positions AbbVie as a thought leader in this space.

6. Case studies

Case study videos offer dynamic opportunities to share benefit-driven narratives while elevating your marketing message, raising brand awareness, and ultimately generating leads. From describing the challenge to explaining the developed strategy and then to showing its implementation, these videos walk through the process endured to achieve success.

An example of this is the case study video from ABB on how they are helping the Faroe Islands transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030. In this video, ABB clearly explains the problem their customer faces with having a reliable energy grid when using various green energy sources and battery storage, as well as their approach to solve that problem with their synchronous condenser technology.

7. Company news

In addition to products and people, you can create company-centric videos to enhance brand recognition and public image. One idea is to make company news videos, such as when General Electric completed its separation of GE HealthCare. Videos like this provide an opportunity to explain your company’s recent changes and what is planned in the near term.

8. Recruitment

Recruitment videos provide a unique opportunity to reach tomorrow’s employees. One example is a video from Siemens encouraging people to apply to become a Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer in the AMEA region. They used this time to also discuss what it’s like to work at the company. Videos like this entice talented individuals to apply and can also make a good first impression on potential customers.

9. Brand and company culture

Brand and company culture videos are a great way to show the human side of your business to a wide audience. These types of videos have the potential to increase trust among your potential customers and strengthen their connection with your brand. One way to get started with this is by having your employees individually explain how their roles in your company demonstrate your company’s values, like how Lonza’s employees did in their “Our Values at Lonza” video.

10. Live broadcasts

Events also provide great opportunities for marketing videos. When your company hosts a live event—such as a product introduction, company news, or expert interviews—we recommend broadcasting a live video so people can watch it from anywhere in the world. As a bonus, the video feed can be saved and uploaded later to your website or social media, like how the Bobcat Company streamed their Machine IQ question and answer live event from their YouTube channel, where it is still available to watch.

11. Event teasers

To draw interest for a specific event you are hosting, event teaser videos serve as a solid marking tactic for promoting attendance. The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals’ event teaser for their EDGE supply chain conference is a short video that effectively demonstrates the value of attending their live event and shows what participating will look like for their attendees.

12. Event recaps

After an event has ended, take the opportunity to make a recap video to summarize the highlights. This can generate fear of missing out on the next event, which can ultimately increase attendance at future events. For example, Doosan Robotics made an event recap video featuring highlights from the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank.

13. Webinars

Companies can also host and record events in the form of an on-demand webinar. For example, Cushman & Wakefield presented a webinar on reimagining where and how people will work in the future. This type of webinar experience allows those who could not participate in the scheduled event an opportunity to watch it on their own time. This form of thought leadership is extremely beneficial to customers who tune in to your company for answers to some of their toughest challenges.

14. Blog summaries

Creating videos from your company’s existing blog content can be a relatively light lift for your marketing department and is a great way to increase engagement with your audience. HubSpot has a great how-to video that demonstrates how one can use their existing blog content as the basis of a script for a great blog post summary video.

No matter what your next video idea is, Sosland Publishing is here to help. Speak with a Sosland Publishing media expert today to get started on integrating video into your company’s next marketing campaign.

Navigating the buyer’s journey for ingredient and equipment purchasers

Buyer's Journey: Every Customer's Journey is Unique

Navigating the buyer’s journey for ingredient and equipment purchasers

Buyer's Journey: Every Customer's Journey is Unique
Source: Sosland Publishing


The buyer’s journey is full of twists and turns. Without a deep understanding of ingredient and equipment purchasers’ preferences and behaviors, suppliers can miss out on everything from qualified leads to lucrative sales.

To shed light on how buyers navigate their purchasing decisions, we spoke with Marjorie Hellmer, president of Cypress Research, about two recent studies Cypress Research conducted on behalf of Food Business News and Baking & Snack.  

The 2023 Food Ingredient Buyer’s Journey study by Food Business News surveyed more than 200 professionals responsible for ingredient purchasing decisions, while Baking & Snack‘s 2021 Baking Equipment Buyer’s Journey study surveyed 135 wholesale bakery professionals involved in equipment procurement.

This research provides key insights for ingredient and wholesale baking equipment businesses looking to fine-tune their marketing strategies and establish enduring relationships with decision-makers.

Sosland Publishing: A singular buyer making a purchasing decision has become a rarity in the food and beverage industry. Can you explain the importance of targeting buying groups?

Marjorie Hellmer: When talking about the ingredient or equipment buyer’s journey, we’re not talking about a single professional at a company. We’re referring to a buying group, and the journey a key group of professionals is taking throughout the buying process.

For example, let’s look at ingredient buyers in the food industry. Our analysis has shown that the core buying group that drives research, solicits feedback, and recommends vendors typically includes decision-makers from operations, purchasing, R&D and oftentimes sales, marketing and sometimes the C-suite.

Right here, I’ve listed a minimum of six professionals within one company or even one facility—each with their own filters for the kind of content they’re looking for. These complex buying groups are all keeping their eyes on different types of information to help inform their choices depending on where they are in the buying process.

When an ingredient or equipment purchaser begins gathering information and researching potential solutions and providers, what steps are they most likely to take during the awareness stage versus the active search and detailed information gathering stages?

Our research from the Food Ingredient Buyer’s Journey and Equipment Buyer’s Journey studies highlights the different information professionals will seek out at various stages.

When business leaders are simply “keeping up” on what is happening with ingredient or equipment supplier activity, of the 15 different potential sources of information, trade media dominates as the number one source professionals turn to. Sources such as print magazines, websites and newsletters keep the industry up to date with innovations and company activity.

Along with trade media, professionals also rely on trade shows to a great degree to help maintain their general awareness of innovations.

At this general awareness building stage, the two studies also demonstrate a few differences in the resources used by food processors versus wholesale baking professionals. 

To a lesser extent, but still importantly, a sizeable number of food processing professionals are turning to webinars and social media content to stay up to date on industry ingredient trends. Whereas a smaller but significant portion of baking executives leverage webinars, podcasts and videos to keep a steady pulse on equipment supplier activity.

Now, when they move to an active ingredient or supplier search and start gathering detailed information, search engines, supplier websites and trade shows move into the lead spots for preferred information sources among both food processing and wholesale baking professionals. This is, in part, because these tactics allow professionals to get up close and personal with a narrowed set of potential solutions and their providers.

How do information sources change when buyers are looking to expand business with a current ingredient or equipment supplier partner?

At this final stage of the buying process, both food processing and wholesale baking leaders tend to return to trade media sources like publications and websites. This is likely due to the broad reach of trade media and its ability to significantly increase brand and product awareness with a diverse set of industry professionals. 

What role does social media play in the buying journey, and what platforms are most effective for engaging buyers?

There is a growing audience using social media to stay current on ingredient and equipment innovations. Food Business News and Cypress Research have conducted this benchmarking research within the broader food processing industry since 2018, and trending shows an increasing role in its use by professionals.

Today, nearly 30% of food processors use social media for general ingredient supplier awareness building—up from 15% in 2018.

When food processing executives move into the active search stage or look to expand their business with a current ingredient supplier, about 20% of the industry turns to social media for information.

In addition, just over 20% of wholesale bakers use social media for general equipment supplier awareness. Sixteen percent use social media tools when getting detailed information about an equipment supplier and when looking for opportunities to expand their business with an existing supplier partner.

While social media is not a top ranked information source, these marketing strategies continue to grow in value and impact, especially on platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

Why is it important for a marketing strategy to include inbound and outbound tactics?

Both tactics are, of course, vitally important to the health of any business and they each carry their own strengths. Individual company-generated marketing tactics like blogs, newsletters, and webinars build an audience over time.

Outbound marketing vehicles like print and digital advertising and trade show promotions all reach a large audience quickly, effectively creating brand awareness and promoting a company’s products and services to that broad audience.

What “offline” marketing tactics still hold value during the buyer’s journey?

Two reliable information sources professionals turn to to help inform their ingredient and equipment purchasing decisions throughout the buying process are “offline.”

Trade shows and trade publication print advertising are both very effective ways to reach a wide audience and promote a company’s brand image, communicate company values, and ultimately increase sales for reasons mentioned earlier.

We know the buyer’s journey is always evolving, but what are the most disruptive trends impacting buyers today?

We are already seeing more use of native advertising in the food industry with ads that are so cohesive with surrounding content, assimilated into the design, and consistent with the platform behavior that the viewer feels the ads belong there. These ads feel more authentic than traditional display advertising, and the content has the potential to genuinely connect more with the potential buyer. So, this tactic has disruptive potential.

I can also easily see the temptation, at some point, for the food industry to leverage direct mobile marketing strategies. It may be on the distant horizon but is likely inevitable in the business-to-business world.

To learn more about the buyer’s journey and to gain access to the studies referenced in this article, reach out to a Sosland Publishing media expert today.